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Petropolis Group: generating prosperity for Brazil

História do Grupo Petrópolis - Foto 01

Founded in the city of Petropolis, in the mountain region of Rio de Janeiro,  Petropolis Group  is the largest company in its industry with 100% Brazilian capital. The Company produces beers, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, which excel in quality and suit Brazilian consumer taste.

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Currently Petropolis Group is present in almost all the national territory, with 8 production plants (Petropolis / RJ, Teresopolis / RJ, Boituva / SP, Bragança Paulista / SP, Rondonopolis / MT, Alagoinhas / BA and Itapissuma / PE / Uberaba, MG ) and distribution centers. Company’s brand portfolio incudes the beers Itaipava, Cabaré, Petra, Crystal, Lokal, Black Princess, Brassaria Ampolis and Weltenburger beers, the Energy Drinks TNT & Magneto, the Sports Drink TNT, Blue Spirit Ice and Nordka vodkas, the Cabaré ICE  and Petra water.

Always striving for the highest standards in everything we do,  Petropolis Group  main drivers are to continually invest in our people development, respect ethical norms and promote transparency in our relationship with competitors and partners. We are responsible for the creation of over 24.000 thousand jobs and, and through our AMA project we plant and maintain thousands of trees, besides promoting actions towards sustainable development, and environmental education programs for public schools.

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